Estate and Gift Tax Return Preparation
We have substantial experience in the preparation of estate and gift tax returns and can assist in the valuation challenges presented by closely held businesses or unique assets. We understand how to analyze and favorably present in these returns issues related to valuation. Our experience includes an in-depth understanding of the federal and state estate laws and related probate procedures for the states of New York and New Jersey.
Fiduciary Income Tax Return Preparation
Our firm's primary area of expertise is in providing tax services for businesses, individuals, trusts and estates. Given that range of expertise, we possess significant experience with tax issues in the fiduciary area, including probate estates, simple and complex trusts, charitable remainer and special needs trusts.
Court Accountings for Estates, Trusts and Foundations
We provide formal or informal accountings in all formats required by courts, trustees and/or beneficiaries for probate estates and trusts. In most cases our initial trust accounting meets the requirements of the family and probate court. However, if required, we also coordinate the execution of releases required to mitigate Executor or Administrator liabilities.
Fiduciary Administration and Bill Paying Services
We understand complex estate and trust administrative accounting issues and assists fiduciaries in administering the day-to-day accounting for trusts and estates.
We also provide individual bill paying services tailored to the specific needs of clients. For instance some of our clients are unable or lack the desire to be involved with bill payment, checking account reconciliation or financial record maintenance necessary for tax return preparation as required by law. In these cases, we are happy to assist as much or as little as each may require. We then provide monthly statements supporting the actions taken for client review and approval.
Cash flow planning and Coordination
We understand complex investments and their tax impact. We also understand budgeting and cash flow management accross entities and trusts so we can help you plan your cash flow to fund charitable bequests, beneficiary distributions and tax payments. Based on this in-depth understanding, we effectively communicate with your investment advisors regarding the impact of all kinds of investments for your cash flow.